Lemon, Cinnamon and Ginger |
We love essential oils because plants have fantastic properties that benefit our health and well being. We can get some of the therapeutic properties of plants in ways other than essential oils.
I use herbs in the easiest ways I can! One of my favorite uses of herbs is to combine them with the amazing benefits of local raw honey.
I try to always use local honey. First, it is great to support our local beekeepers and without the bees, there is no local produce. Second, local honey acts like a homeopathic medicine for allergies; exposing your body to tiny doses of the offending pollen. Homeopathy is a huge topic in and of itself. If you are unfamiliar with it, there are many resources readily available.
You can infuse any herb. Honey is a preservative so you can use fresh herbs. Dried herbs can also be used. The woodier the herb, the longer it needs to infuse. You can also infuse fruit. Slowly releasing the flavors and therapeutic benefits into the honey over time creates a delicious and healthy way to support your body during periods of illness.
Every fall I make a pint of what my great Aunt called "Throat Coat." It is a tasty blend that I enjoy just added to my tea or right off the spoon. If only all medicinal concoctions tasted this good!
There are no specific proportions for this recipe. The ingredients can change based on your family's taste. The most common ingredients for this herbal infused blend include lemon, cinnamon, ginger and cloves. I really dislike cloves so I leave them out. You can add and subtract based on both flavor and desired effect.
In a clean pint jar I slice two medium lemons (organic is highly recommended as the peels will be infusing as well). I add a peeled sliced ginger root (about the size of my thumb.) If using cloves, add a few whole cloves. I use about 4 cinnamon sticks, generally I break them in half. I layer them in the jar putting the lemons on the bottom. I try to use the cinnamon sticks to wedge the lemons down. Then I fill it with the local raw honey. You want to keep the herbs submerged in the honey. Then I seal it up and put it in the fridge for 4 to six weeks.
These four herbs are all good for aiding your immune system and fighting germs. Lemon and ginger are both also good for digestive issues. I am not an herbalist so I won't go into details about the herbs. I use this when I feel I am coming down with something, when I have been exposed to heavy amounts of virus, for sore throats and if I get a stomach virus I will add this to my water.
This is an easy, tasty and effective weapon to create for the upcoming cold and flu season.