Friday, May 22, 2015

A-Rose-a-Therapy Why Now?

Photograph credit; Laura Ellen.  Tyler Rose festival, Tyler Texas, 2013

Why Now?

I have used essential oils for decades, been involved at the fringes of the community but never moved into center.  I quietly learned and practiced aromatherapy without joining the public realm. What has changed?  Why now am I venturing into this ugly, political, and divisive world?

  • I am tired of the hate, lies and greed.
  • I have found enough good people emerging in the field to give me hope.
Over the last several years essential oils have exploded!  They have literally blown up a quiet, subtle non-invasive form of herbal medicine that never sought much attention.  Now we have bickering, constant marketing, endless lies and threats of government interference.  Why?  Because of Greed.  There is no way to deny the willingness to lie to make a buck that can be seen all over some companies' sites.  Disgusted with watching it from the sidelines I have now waded in.

Through the wonders of the internet, I have met countless others who also are tired of the hate, lies and greed.  I have found hope in watching the constant effort to stop the lies.  I have embraced many working for companies that spread some of these lies in an effort to lessen the hate.  And I am pleased to be able to now talk about companies that no longer represent just greed.

I have indeed found hope.  Hope that united, we can make aromatherapy once again a kind, gentle and subtle mode of using plants to support health.

Blessings to you all

Laura Ellen

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